Key Players and Programs

World Health Organization: The well known World Health Organization strives to create a healthier population globally. With the extensive amount of reseearch they participate in, they are able to gather data and emphasize the successful methods used around the world. With the vast amount of research, they are able to highlight what priorities should be focused on globally. The World Health Organization works closely with the United Nations to discuss, create, and change policies to educate the population on non-communicable diseases and the prevention of them.

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American Heart Association: This organization focuses on reducing the mortality rate caused by heart disease and stroke. They provide a vast amount of information to educate people on risk factors and prevention that contribute to non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

return to American Heart Association

American Cancer Society: This organization focuses on the prevention and treatment of cancer patients. They provide educational tools that include many years of data and research. The American Cancer Society dedicated its practices to patient services regarding cancer, treatments offered, and prevention/early detection. 

American Cancer Society

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