Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors and Consequences

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Cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and chronic raspatory disease are the top non-communicable diseases which impact the population on a local, national, and global scale. Although, these diseases are different in effect, they all to stem down to the same factors that are contributing to them. The main cause all leads back to lifestyle. Preventing these non-communicable diseases can be dramatically reduced through the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. We can separate the contributing factors into two categories. The modifiable approach gives population control over their choices. These include the amount of physical activity someone chooses to do, tobacco use, and diet. Unmodifiable approaches are out of the population’s control for the most part. These factors include family history, age, gender, and socioeconomic status. Some of the most common problems that the population deals with on a daily basis are the lack of control. For example, wholesome foods are much more expensive and less accessible to those in communities with lower incomes. In these same communities, it can be challenging for those trying to quit smoking and drinking to be successful. Advertisements for alcohol and cigarettes are much more visible in these communities. All of these are contributing factors to the non-communicable disease epidemic. The amount of money spent on healthcare because of these diseases highlights the problem on a much larger scale. In 2011, 316.6 Billion dollars was spent on healthcare costs which caused a loss of productivity. This epidemic will continue to spiral out of control. The financial burden associated with treating these diseases only puts the low-income population at more of disadvantage, causing a lower quality of life, a short lifespan, and the inability to get out of this vicious cycle. With the proper educational resources and government funding to promote healthy lifestyles, can somewhat help with this problem. However, there needs to be a better solution.

Costs Associated with NCDs

Non-communicable diseases kill over 41 million people each year. This ends up being nearly 71% of the deaths annually over the world. But the main issue is that these non-communicable diseases can affect anyone but especially those in low- and middle-income countries

Non-communicable diseases are projected to cost $47 trillion by 2030 globally

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